Vendors!...Tired of hangin' out at the wrong art and craft
shows in New Hampshire?
Subscribe to Art & Craft Show Yellow Pages ™ in New Hampshire,
and you'll have the best, most descriptive regional show listing directory
in New Hampshire.
We currently cover the entire East Coast and surrounding States (
Event Dates |
City |
Name of Event |
2/20 | NASHUA, NH | Winter Wonderland Craft Fair |
3/26-3/28 | DURHAM, NH | Seacoast Home, Garden & Flower Show |
3/27-3/28 | SALEM, NH | Spring Craft Festival 13th |
4/09-4/11 | MANCHESTER, NH | Made in NH Try It & Buy It Expo |
4/17-4/18 | LACONIA, NH | Lakes Reg. Spring A&C Fair |
4/17 | KEENE, NH | Ann. Keene Spring Craft Show |
4/25 | NASHUA, NH | 5th Holistic & Metaphysical Fair |
5/01-5/02 | DUNBARTON, NH | Arts & Gardens Festival 5th |
5/08-5/09 | HAMPTON FALLS, NH | Craft Festival |
5/08-5/09 | DUNBARTON, NH | Arts & Gardens Festival 5th |
5/08-5/09 | HAMPTPN FALLS, NH | Mother's Day Weekend Craft Fair 2nd |
5/29-5/30 | NORTH CONWAY, NH | Memorial Wkend Craft Show |
5/29-5/31 | MEREDITH, NH | Memorial Weekend Craft Festival 19th |
5/29-5/30 | NORTH CONWAY, NH | Memorial Day Weekend Festival |
6/26 | WILTON , NH | Strawberry Festival & Craf Fair 3rd |
7/03-7/05 | GILFORD, NH | Gunstock Summer Arts & Craft Festival 39th |
7/03-7/05 | NORTH CONWAY, NH | 4th of July Festival |
7/09-7/11 | WOLFEBORO, NH | On the Green 1 A&C Fest |
7/09-7/10 | MANCHESTER, NH | Summer Knit & Crochet Show |
7/17-7/18 | ALTON BAY, NH | 20th Craft Fair at the Bay |
7/17-7/18 | ALTON, NH | Craft Fair at the Bay 21st |
7/23-7/25 | WOLFEBORO, NH | Summer Tradition A&C Fest |
7/25 | NASHUA, NH | Sparkles of Summer Crystal & Jewelry Extravaganza |
7/31-8/01 | LACONIA, NH | Lakeside Craft Festival |
8/06-8/07 | NASHUA, NH | Mid-Summers Night Goddess Gathering Weekend 1st |
8/07-8/08 | LINCOLN, NH | Lincoln Summer Craft Festival 18th |
8/13-8/15 | WOLFEBORO, NH | The Green 2 Arts & Crafts Festival |
8/14 | TILTON, NH | Summer Fair 22nd |
8/14 | SWANZEY, NH | Richmond Blueberry Fiddle Festival 8th |
8/18 | WOLFEBORO, NH | Artists in the Park |
8/20-8/22 | THORNTON, NH | White Mountain Boogie n' Blues Festival |
8/20-8/22 | BARTLETT, NH | 3rd Annual Summer Scrapbooking Getaway |
8/27-8/29 | COLEBROOK, NH | Moose Festival 19th |
8/28-8/29 | MEREDITH, NH | Fine Arts and Crafts Festival 31st |
9/04-9/06 | ALTON BAY, NH | Labor Day Craft Fair at the Bay |
9/04-9/05 | NORTH CONWAY, NH | Labor Day Weekend Festival |
9/04-9/05 | NORTH CONWAY, NH | Labor Day Wknd Festival |
9/18-9/19 | SALEM, NH | Autumn Craft Fair 8th |
10/02-10/03 | MEREDITH, NH | Autumn Craft Festival |
10/02 | DOVER, NH | Apple Harvest Day 26th |
10/09-10/11 | LINCOLN, NH | Fall Craft Festival |
10/09-10/10 | NORTH CONWAY, NH | Columbus Day Weekend Festival |
10/15-10/17 | HUDSON, NH | Hudson PumpkinFest 4th |
10/16-10/17 | NORTH CONWAY, NH | Leaf Peepers A&C Show |
10/23 | PETERBOROUGH, NH | Celebrate Samhain |
10/30 | SOMERSWORTH, NH | Harvest Craft Fair |
11/04 | CONCORD, NH | One Stop Shop 3rd |
11/06 | NORTHWOOD, NH | Holiday Craft Fair 8th |
11/06-11/07 | LACONIA, NH | Lakes Reg. Harvest A&C Fair |
11/06 | DOVER, NH | 26th Ann. DPMC Fall Craft Fair |
11/06 | RAYMOND, NH | Raymond Crafts Fair 26th |
11/06 | HAMPSTEAD, NH | Mothers Holiday Craft Fair |
11/06 | ROCHESTER, NH | Annual Craft Fair |
11/07 | NASHUA, NH | Angels & Trinkets Holiday Fair 4th |
11/12-11/14 | SALEM, NH | Craft & Specialty Food Fair |
11/13-11/14 | MANCHESTER, NH | Crafts New Hampshire |
11/20 | BOW, NH | 31st Annual Bow PTO Craft Fair |
11/20 | MANCHESTER, NH | Craft Fair |
11/20 | MANCHESTER, NH | Holiday Faire 20th |
11/20 | NOTTINGHAM, NH | Annual Craft Fair 9th |
11/20 | PENACOOK, NH | 5th Annual Holiday Craft Fair |
11/20 | DERRY, NH | Christmas Fair |
11/21 | PORTSMOUTH, NH | Champs-Elysees Boutique Shopping |
11/21 | GREENLAND, NH | Craft Fair & Pie Festival 20th |
11/26-11/27 | LACONIA, NH | Lakes Reg. Holiday A&C Fair |
11/27 | KEENE, NH | Holiday Craft Show |
11/27 | EFFINGHAM, NH | Crafting For The Holidays |
11/27 | HUDSON, NH | Holiday Bazaar |
11/27 | WOLFEBORO, NH | Holiday Craft Fair |
11/28 | NASHUA, NH | Holiday Arts & Crafts Show 10th |
12/04 | AMHERST, NH | Amherst Lions Craft Fair |
12/04 | SOMERSWORTH, NH | Holiday Craft Fair |
12/04 | NASHUA, NH | Christmas Craft Fair |
12/04 | HUDSON, NH | Craft Fair 34th |
12/04 | CONCORD, NH | Gourmet Bake & Craft Fair 20th |
12/04 | WEBSTER, NH | 4th Annual Webster Holiday Fair |
12/04 | NASHUA, NH | Psychic Fair 1st |
12/04 | NASHUA, NH | Inspirational Angelic Messages |
12/05 | NASHUA, NH | "Holiday Vibrations" 2nd |
12/11-12/12 | SALEM, NH | Holiday Craft Fair at the Rock |
12/12 | NASHUA, NH | Holiday Craft/Vendor Fair |
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New Hampshire event database on a daily basis and with verified information only!
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New Hampshire event information found anywhere. We give you all details for each
art and craft event in New Hampshire such
as event attendance, promoter contact information, cost of booth,
size of booth, what you can sell at each event, we also tell you if its
a juried or non juried event, and much more. Also, as an active member
you can take advantage of our optional printed updates! Each issue of
our art and craft show listing publication lists events up to a year in
advance, which is essential in helping you meet application deadlines
and book your show dates early. So if you plan on selling at art and
craft shows in New Hampshire, street fairs and festivals in New Hampshire, home and garden shows
in New Hampshire, trade shows in New Hampshire, county and state fairs in New Hampshire, music festivals
in New Hampshire, farmers markets in New Hampshire and need a
printed update just call us and we will ship you the most current
up-to-date New Hampshire event listing information for just $15 dollars each.
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All shows are not equal.
Choose from detailed listings according to your preferences: we let you know if a show is indoors, outdoors, in tents, or in a mall.
We even publish eligibility requirements, - so you will know if a show is an 'Open Show' a 'Juried Show' or trade or wholesale shows.
If a show is predominantly Contemporary, Traditional, or Country , we print that information too, to help you find the right venues to sell your work.
ART and CRAFT SHOW YELLOW PAGES ™ is the most important tool in your
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We guarantee it will help you with your business, or your money back!
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