Cow Chip Arts and Crafts Fair in PRAIRIE DU SAC, WI

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Cow Chip Arts and Crafts Fair in PRAIRIE DU SAC, WI

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 08/31/2024
Promoter River Arts Inc
Event Name Cow Chip Arts and Crafts Fair
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Event Location Marion Park, Grand Ave & First Street
Craftmaster Codes $95,15X15,ACO,FAO,JY,DL 5/10
10,000 ATTN,6 PH,CRQ,DNR,OS,JU $25
110 BTHS,FREE ADM,9am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info *All exhibited work must be original in concept and must have been created by the accepted applicant.

The arts and crafts fair is a part of this festival, and it sees over 10,000 attendees each year. This is one of the region's largest events, and we invite you to submit an application to be a part of it! Our fair hosts 150 vendor spaces, which guarantees a wide variety of art and craft items for sale!
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