Deerfield Apple Festival 4th in DEERFIELD, WI

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Deerfield Apple Festival 4th in DEERFIELD, WI

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 09/15/2024
Promoter Bittersweet Blessings Farm
Event Name Deerfield Apple Festival 4th
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Bittersweet Blessings Farm, 4509 State Rd 73
Craftmaster Codes $50-$75,10X10,A,AC,FA,CL,JY,DB,DM,CMR,F
3000 ATTN,IS,OS,PWR,DL 8/15
150 BTHS,$5 ADM,8am-3pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The Apple Festival is very much like an arts/crafts event, with a few exceptions: We will host many veggie/fruit/flower/fall harvest/etc vendors. And, since we have an orchard on the farm, the theme of the event will be the apple! At the show, guests can watch (or take a turn at stirring) fresh Apple Butter being cooked over an open fire; witness and taste fresh pressed Apple Cider; enjoy fresh apple pie, jams & jellies, apple cider doughnuts (all from the farm), or maybe stroll through the orchard and pick some apples for yourself…. you get the picture: Apples!

We would like to personally invite you to participate in the Market Expo and Apple Festival with us. The traffic is very heavy and most vendors do very well. Please message, text or email me for more info.
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